Saturday, November 19, 2011

What do most professional hockey players eat before a game?

Food. I know that. Do they have a set kind of food they eat to keep stamina up or is a personal choice? Runners eat pasta, what do hockey players eat? This way out of my realm of thinking.

Extra Inquiry: Who thinks we should get Mike Rowe on the ice to be a practice goalie?|||I hear lots of them eat pasta. In the playoffs during a long overtime, they order pizza and bananas - really high carb and fat to keep them going, I guess. It's weird, I just can't imagine working out so hard you actually need pizza!

Y'meen Dirty Mike Rowe? Could be a sweaty job, not that dirty! Still, hockey and Mike would be a nice combination - about the only two shows I watch combined.|||Pasta and chicken tend to be the staple of most pregame meals, although a lot of guys have their own oddities.

Because of digestion red meat isn't usually a popular option (but some guys will eat it).|||Chicken for lean protein and muscle, and pasta for carbs and 'quick' energy. There was an article in The Hockey News about it a few years ago.

EI: I doubt that he's limber enough to do the job sufficiently|||lots of guys eat pasta or spaghetti, for the carbs. a good drink for after is chocolate milk (because of the protein to fat ratio)|||A healthy source of carbohydrates will be my guess.|||pasta|||Pasta. Its for the carbs, which help keep energy up.|||i heard some eat steak or a nice helping of spaghetti and meatballs.|||Pasta, Chicken. Stuff to get their carbs up.

AND TONS OF FLUIDS!|||fruit|||ur mom

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